If you are a manager whose Unique ID is added to the User file in the ManagerUniqueID field for specific users, you have access to the In-app Reports. You do not need a user role of Admin or Technical Admin, and you do not need the Manage In-app Reporting permission.
See About Manager Reporting for more information.
To Use Manager Reporting
- Navigate to Degreed Admin and select Reporting > Categories from the menu.
Follow the steps in Create a New In-App Report.
- Use the Manager Reports filter to select one of the following:
- Direct Reports Only: Includes only the users who report directly to you.
- Include First-Level Indirect Reports: Includes your direct reports, and users who report to your direct reports (your indirect reports).
- Include Second-Level Indirect Reports: Includes all of the above, and users who report to your first-level indirect reports.
- Include All Direct and Indirect Reports: Includes up to a maximum of 10 levels of all your direct and indirect reports throughout the organization. All your direct and indirect reports included in the 10 levels are included in the report.
The report results will only include data for users who directly or indirectly report to you.
If data for a user you manage is not included in report results, ensure your userID is added to the ManagerUniqueID field in the User file for that user.
Anonymized users display as 'anonymized" in the results.