Manager Reporting seamlessly enables your managers to access and run In-app Reports that only include data for users who report to them either directly, or indirectly.
With the Manager Reporting feature, you can provide your people managers with the ability to see learning activity for their direct and indirect reports, without giving them access to all the In-App reports, or to other users in your organization.
Managers can use the data to evaluate the learning activities of their direct and indirect reports. For example, managers can gain insight into their users' career goals or interests, or determine if their direct reports are completing assigned content.
Enable Manager Reporting
To enable Manager Reporting for your organization
- Ensure your organization has In-app Reporting enabled.
- Ensure your organization has Segments enabled.
- Ensure your organization has CreateManagerSegments enabled.
If one of these settings is not enabled, contact your CX rep.
Provide your Managers Access
Once the feature is enabled, managers are granted access to In-App reports when their Unique ID is added to the User file for specific users. Each row in the User file includes a ManagerUniqueID field. Managers are assigned to users when the manager's unique ID is added to this field.
For example, in the following hierarchical chart::
- Sophie manages Milo and Julio.
- Milo manages Jane and Sanjay.
- Julio manages Brigitte.
Your User file should include the following information: (not representative of an actual User file)
User's Name | User's ID | ManagerUniqueID |
Sophie | sophieID | |
Milo | miloID | sophieID |
Julio | julioID | sophieID |
Jane | janeID | miloID |
Sanjay | sanjayID | miloID |
Brigitte | brigitteID | julioID |
Sophie, Milo, and Julio are automatically granted access to In-app reports because they manage other users. They do not need a user role of Admin or Technical Admin, and they do not need the Manage In-app Reporting permission.
When running a report:
- Sophie can see data for Milo, Julio (direct reports), Jane, Sanjay, and Brigitte (indirect reports)
- Milo can see data for Jane and Sanjay (direct reports)
- Julio can see data for Brigitte (direct report)
All users with at least one direct report will have access to In-app Reporting, and there is no minimum number of In-App reports that must be available to the user to gain access.
In-App reports will only include data for a maximum of 10 levels of direct/indirect users.
About Available Reports
The following reports are summary level reports and do not include data for specific users. These reports will not be available for Manager Reporting. All other reports are available.
- Search (Summary)
- Content View (Summary)
- Pathway (Summary by Pathway)
- Plan (Summary by Plan)
- Assignments (Summary by Assignment)
- Skill (Summary by Skill)
- Skill Standard (Detailed by User)
- Skill Followed (Detailed by User)
- Opportunities View Data (Summary)
- Published Opportunities (Summary)
- Skill Coach (Overall Summary)