Below, you'll find a list of our most frequently asked questions related to content in Degreed.
Why is the video I’m trying to play not loading?
The following issues might prevent videos from loading:
- Cookies and caching. Browsers save some information from websites in its cache and cookies. You can clear your browsing data to fix problems such as loading or formatting issues. To clear your browsing data in Chrome, see Clear cache cookies.
- Issues with videos hosted on a provider platform. If you click on a video and you are taken to a different platform outside Degreed, it means only your organization has access to it. Contact your manager or internal learning team to troubleshoot the issue.
- Other issues with videos hosted on Degreed. Videos that can be played in a window inside Degreed can display warning messages for various reasons. If you are experiencing issues, you can report the problem from the video’s content card. Select the appropriate options and include the video’s exact title and a screenshot of the error.
Why is content that is not relevant to my interests appearing on the Home Page and how do I remove it?
The Home Page can display content from a provider aligned to your skills, people you follow, groups, as well as content that has been shared or assigned to you.
If the irrelevant content is not a Required Learning item, you can dismiss it. To dismiss the content, click on the Actions Menu () icon on the item's content card, and then click Dismiss.
If a content item’s type is incorrect, how can it be fixed?
You can report the problem from the item’s content card. Select the appropriate options and send the problem to support.
- If the item is active in your organization's catalog, the support team will contact your organization to let them know that the type is incorrect.
- If the item is not active in the catalog, the support team will request changes to our database.
Why do I have to subscribe or pay to access some content?
Degreed offers public content and paid or subscription-based content within its external library. We allow our users to decide whether they would like to sign up or purchase specific learning items.
What do I do if the content I’m trying to access is not loading or the site is blocked?
You may have issues accessing the content if:
- The content item is blocked by your organization's network.
If the site is blocked, you should be able to access the content item when you are connected to another network. Try accessing the item on your mobile phone, from home, or any other network. - Your network connection is not working as expected or may have timed out.
If your connection is not working as expected, wait a few minutes and try again. If the content still does not load, open it in a different browser or in incognito mode. You can also try accessing the item on your mobile phone, from home, or any other network.
If a content item's duration is incorrect, how can it be fixed?
- You can report the problem from the item’s content card if you believe the duration is incorrect. Select the appropriate options and send the problem to support.
- If the item is active in your organization's catalog, the support team will contact your organization so that they can update the duration.
- If the item is not active in the catalog, the support team will request changes to our database.
- If you add a content item to your profile with a duration but after saving it, the duration now appears incorrect, it’s possible another user already added the same item with an incorrect duration, or there was an error saving the item. To update the duration, you must submit a support request. When you submit your ticket, include your full name and organization email.
What do I do if I’m having issues accessing my assignments or content?
All browsers save information from websites in their cache and cookies which can cause loading or formatting issues over time.
A browser’s cache and cookies can cause content to:
- Not load
- Continue to load
- Get stuck on the same page
- Display a blank page, or
- Fail to load and display an error message
If you experience the issues above, you can try clearing your browser's cookies and cache. After clearing it, close your browser and reopen it to try again. For more information see the following browser documentation:
- Google Chrome - Clear cache and cookies
- Microsoft Edge - Delete cookies in Microsoft Edge
- Firefox - How to clear the Firefox cache
- Safari - Clear cookies in Safari on Mac
If you use any other browser, please follow their own guidelines to clear cookies and cache.
How can I retake an assessment that I failed?
Your organization sets a maximum number of attempts when they create an assessment. If Degreed does not show an option to retake it, you have reached the limit of possible attempts.
If you would like to retake the assessment, please contact your organization's learning or help desk team so that they can review the assessment and determine if they can reset your progress.
How do I report issues with content?
Your organization is responsible for managing the content items that are available to you on Degreed. Contact your organization’s learning team or help desk to report issues when:
- The content is old
- The content is not what the title describes
- The content needs to be reviewed
- There is incorrect information in the content, or
- You are unable to access the content.
If you are not sure who to contact at your organization, you can submit a support request to Degreed. Degreed support will forward your request to the appropriate team.
How can I see which content provider platforms I have access to?
Some organizations use the Featured page to display the content providers that they have an integration with. To access the Featured page, click Featured in the Degreed header. Scroll down to the Providers section. Click Find Content from any provider card to see a list of the content items available from this provider, or click the link to visit the provider website.
If your organization does not display providers on the Featured page, click the Search field in the top right of any page and add a provider filter to your search.
Does the level of my skill rating affect the type of content suggested on my home page?
No, we only recommend content based on the skill, not on the skill rating. We do not incorporate skill rating levels into the algorithm because there isn't a way of evaluating the corresponding level of the content.
What do I do if I receive a license or permission error message that prevents me from accessing a content item?
These error messages appear if you do not have a license to access the provider platform where this content is hosted or you do not have permission to access the content.
Please contact your organization's learning department to ensure that you have a license and access rights to the content. If your license and access rights are set up properly at your organization, a member of your learning department should contact Degreed support and share screenshots of the error so that we can troubleshoot the issue.
How do I cancel my enrollment in a course and reschedule it?
Course enrollments are done in Learning Management Systems (LMS) or other course provider platforms, not in Degreed. Please contact your organization's learning team or help desk as they will be able to assist with un-enrolling and rescheduling the course session.
My organization has assigned a course to me but when I click on it, there are no available sessions to enroll in. How can I complete this assignment?
My organization has assigned a course to me but when I click on it, there are no available sessions to enroll in. How can I complete this assignment?
Your company is responsible for listing the sessions available for the courses that require enrollment. It is possible that your organization did not update the availability of the sessions on the platform. Please contact your organization's learning team or help desk to request more information on the upcoming sessions. If you do not know who to contact at your organization, you can submit a support request to Degreed and we will send your request to the appropriate team.
The content on my Home Page is greyed out and the error message 'Sorry! There was a problem getting the items' is appearing. Why is my Home Page not loading?
This error message appears when your Degreed Display Language is not set. The items suggested on the Home Page are based on the language setting in your profile. You must change your Degreed site language and then reload the Home Page for the content to appear.
Why does content that's removed from the Catalog still show on Feed, Daily, and Weekly Digests?
Org-managed content that's deleted from the Catalog is undiscoverable, but may still appear in Degreed in order to maintain completions and insights data. You may see deleted content in the following places:
- Plans and Pathways that it has been added to,
- Weekly digest emails and Daily digest emails,
- Feeds, such as the Home page feed, including the sections Continue Learning, Recently Viewed, Content, Focus Skill, Recent Activity, Trending Within, New Content, Additional Skills and Skill To Explore
For more information about deleting both hosted and non-hosted content, see About Internal Catalog Content Deletions and Delete a Content Item from the Internal Catalog.
Can I download a course certificate in Degreed?
Degreed does not offer an option to download any type of completion certificate for courses, Pathways, or Plans. Certificates for specific courses can be downloaded within the provider platform where you completed the item. Some providers also send an email with a certificate of completion that you can download and print.
I'm unable to find a specific course, article, video, assessment, or book. How can I locate the content?
Content found within your organization's internal catalog is managed exclusively by your organization. Contact your organization's internal learning team and include the name of the content provider and some content item examples that you want to access so that they can help you locate the content. If you are unsure who to contact in your organization, you can submit a support request to the Degreed Support Team. Include as many details as possible in your request. The support team will forward your information to the appropriate team in your organization.
When searching for content, to further refine your results, use the External toggle to the right of the Search field to access results from the External catalog if your organization has enabled this option. These items are from public sources and external content providers and are not owned or vetted by your organization.
How do I know if I have access to certain content providers?
If a generic provider page displays when you try to access certain content items, you might not have access to the provider. Contact your organization's internal learning team and include the name of the content provider and some content item examples that you want to access so that they can help you. If you are unsure who to contact in your organization, you can submit a support request to the Degreed Support Team. Include as many details as possible in your request. The support team will forward your information to the appropriate team in your organization.
If you know your organization grants access to the provider, ensure you are logged into Degreed with SSO, which may automatically identify your information to the provider and log you in with your organization's information. This will depend on your organization's configuration.
To log into Degreed with SSO:
- Log out of Degreed.
- Open Degreed's login page:
- Enter your corporate email and then click Continue via SSO.
You are logged into Degreed automatically. - Open the course's page and click
to visit the course. You will be redirected to the provider's website and automatically signed in with your corporate information.
Why am I receiving the error 'SSO login failed: Misconfigured SAML received' when I try to access Coursera content?
Misconfigured SAML received: Organization SAML attribute that is mapped to Coursera 'displayName' field is not found in SAML Response. Action: Please contact your organization administrator with this error.'
Your organization's IdP system creates, stores, and manages digital identities. If the system does not recognize that it is you, your access to the provider is blocked. Your organization must review your details in its IdP and make sure it sends the appropriate data so that your SSO authentication works. Contact the internal team at your organization that is responsible for IdP data and request that they review the profile information stored for you. If you are unsure who to contact in your organization, you can submit a support request to the Degreed Support Team. Include as many details as possible in your request. The support team will forward your information to the appropriate team in your organization.
Why do I see a “Subscribe” message when accessing content to which I have a license?
If you receive this message, you either do not have a license set up by your organization yet or you are not being redirected appropriately to the provider platform.
Contact your organization's internal learning team so that they can review whether you have a license for this content provider. If you have a license but are still being asked to subscribe, your organization must contact Degreed support so that the redirected links can be reviewed.
Why am I seeing a 'sign in' message in existing content or when adding content in Degreed?
- "We can't sign you in"
- "Sign in to your account"
- "JavaScript is required to sign in. Your browser either does not support JavaScript or it is being blocked."
- "Unauthorized or improper use of this system may result in administrative disciplinary action, and/or civil charges/criminal penalties. By continuing to use the system you indicate your awareness of and consent to these terms and conditions of use. STOP IMMEDIATELY if you do not agree to the conditions stated in this warning."
As a best practice, we recommend editing the Title and Description of the content as it is being added to Degreed to avoid unwanted text in the Title or Description. For curators and administrators, we recommend adding the content to the Internal Catalog to allow future edits.