Why I am not seeing the section completed with the green check mark on the overview panel on the left-hand side?
Optional content items do not count toward your overall pathway progress. Therefore, sections that only contain optional items that have been marked as complete will not have the green check mark on the section's overview panel on the left side.
This is working as designed. The pathway will still show a big green check mark at the top before its title as evidence that the whole pathway was completed.
You can also see your completed pathways by following the steps below:
1. Go to your Profile
2. Click Collection
3. Select Pathways
4. Under Status, select Completed > Show Results
- green check mark
- pathway section incomplete
- marca de seleção verde
- seção da trilha incompleta
- grünes Häkchen
- Lernpfad-Abschnitt unvollständig
- section du parcours incomplète
- coche verte
- sección del itinerario incompleta
- marca de verificación verde
- seção de trilha incompleta
- section de parcours incomplète