I completed all the content within a pathway but I have not received the badge.
For a badge to issue successfully, the users must follow the pathway. You have not being awarded with the badge because most likely you are not a follower of the pathway.
There are some scenarios in which you can follow a pathway to trigger the badge creation:
- When you have manually marked as complete all items in the pathway, Degreed automatically makes you follow it, which will trigger the badge creation.
- Alternatively, you can manually follow the pathway
and then manually
or via verified completion
complete all the items in the pathway. That will also trigger the badge creation. In this case, if you did not manually follow the pathway from the beginning and already completed all items: Manually unmark one learning item, then start following the pathway, and lastly mark the item as complete again. This will re-trigger the badge creation.
- If the pathway only contains items that can be completed via integration/verified completion and you don't manually follow the pathway, the badge creation will not be triggered.
Additional Note:
Optional items that can be manually marked as complete do not count.
- completion
- pathway
- conclusão
- Erledigung
- complétion
- finalización
- credly
- completado
- concluído
- Erledigt
- lxp
- Concluído
- received
- awarded
- complete
- issued
- badge
- Ausgestellt
- Auszeichnung
- de complétion
- insignia
- recibido
- erhalten
- concedido
- délivré
- insigne
- recebido
- attribué
- reçu
- emitido
- premiado
- Badge
- ausgestellt
- otorgado
- Terminer
- erledigt
- verliehen