Degreed Points
What are Points?
Points are the system in which Degreed summarizes and normalizes your educational history. Points can be a simple way to give a signal to learners and managers. Points can measure learning across time and skills. It is an easy way to gauge how much learning has been done in a particular area. Managers benefit by being able to quantitatively estimate the amount of learning that is done across users and skills.
Are Points a Performance Metric?
No. Degreed points are not meant to be used as a completely accurate compilation of your overall life experiences and education for many reasons. For example, Degreed can't always capture duration data for content, Degreed Admins may enter duration values incorrectly, and some life experiences can't have a duration assigned to them.
Points are a general pulse of the amount of learning you record in Degreed, not a performance metric.
What Do I Get for My Points?
Typically, rewards are not given for points, as points are not meant to be a rewards-based system. Instead, points are another tool for you to use when you look holistically at your entire lifetime of educational experiences.
What is a Score?
The score is Degreed's duration measurement of your educational experience. The total number of points equals your score.
The science behind the scoring was formed by experts Larry Rosenberger and David Wiley PhD. Rosenberger is the former CEO of FICO and the man behind the science of the FICO credit score, and Wiley is a global leader in instructional design and open education.
How are Point Values Assigned?
Degreed scans the content to assign an estimate for points. For content that is not publicly visible (such as content behind a paywall or other login), Degreed cannot provide an accurate point estimate unless a Degreed Admin assigned a duration to the content item (via the Manage Catalog page in Degreed Admin).
Degreed awards approximately one point per hour of learning, weighted by multiple factors (including the quality of the source). When you author content, those points yield a higher point total ("score"). However, this can vary significantly depending on the content type. For example, videos and podcasts often award fewer points because of their shorter duration and less difficulty than books and articles. Experiences are often awarded more points because of their longer duration.
If a content item does not have an assigned duration and Degreed cannot access the content to scan it, Degreed assigns a default point value of .09 to the content item.
For curated content like Pathways or Plans, Degreed assigns points for each individual content item completed.
- The exact title and Degreed URL of the content that you have completed,
- The amount of points that you believe should be awarded for the completed content, and
- The content duration.
What Has Point Values in Degreed?
Because points are based on what you learned or experienced, only experiences and content items (courses, books, assessments, and more) have a point value.
- Events
- Courses
- Books
- Articles
- Videos
- Posts
- Assessments
- Experiences
What Does Not Have Point Values in Degreed?
The following items do not have point values in Degreed:
- Skills
- Achievements including:
- Accomplishments
- Awards
- Certificates
- Degrees
- Badges
How Can I See My Total Points in Degreed?
On the Activity tab of your Profile, you can set the available Learning Summary to show the Total points earned from All types of content for a Specific Date range.