Use the Plan (Detailed by User) Report to view data about users who've completed a resource within a Plan, or added a skill to a Plan.
Required Permission: Manage In-App Reporting
Users are only included in this report if they are currently following the Plan, and they meet one of the following criteria:
- The user completed an item within the Plan, or
- The user added a skill to the Plan
This report includes one row for each resource for each user and includes information such as the type of resource, skill target levels, and a user's completion percentage for the Plan.
Direct Data Connector table name: Content_Details_PlanDetailByUser
Column Name | Column Description | Enabled by Default |
Direct Data Connector Field Name |
Data Type |
Last Resource Complete or Skill Add Date |
The last date the user either completed an item within the Plan, or added a skill to the Plan. This is the date range column located on the Filter dialog. The column is included in the report results. |
Required | LastResourceCompletedOrSkillAddDate | DATE |
Employee ID | The unique user identifier for your Degreed site. This may be an email address or a different piece of employee information, such as an SSO username. | Y | EMPLOYEEID | VARCHAR(16777216) |
User Name | The user's full name. | Y | USERNAME | VARCHAR(16777216) |
User First Name | The user's first name. | Y | USERFIRSTNAME | VARCHAR(16777216) |
User Last Name | The user's last name. | Y | USERLASTNAME | VARCHAR(16777216) |
User Email | The user’s work email address. | Y | USEREMAIL | VARCHAR(16777216) |
User Status |
Indicates the user's status within Degreed. Values include:
Y |
Manager ID |
The unique ID of the user's manager. |
Y |
Manager Name |
The full name of the user's manager. |
Y |
Plan Title | The title of the Plan. | Y | PLANTITLE | VARCHAR(16777216) |
Plan ID | The unique ID for the Plan, as set by your organization. | Y | PLANID | VARCHAR(16777216) |
Plan Type |
The type of Plan. Possible values include:
Resource Title | The title of this specific resource. | Y | RESOURCETITLE | VARCHAR(16777216) |
Resource ID | The ID of this specific resource. This field is blank if the resource type is Skill. | Y | RESOURCEID | VARCHAR(16777216) |
Resource Type | The type of resource. Values can include a skill, or any content type including a Pathway. | Y | RESOURCETYPE | VARCHAR(16777216) |
Resource URL | The online location of the content item. This field is blank if the resource type is Skill or Pathway. | Y | RESOURCEURL | VARCHAR(16777216) |
Pathway Progress | If the resource type is Pathway, indicates the completion percentage for the user for the Pathway. | Y | PATHWAYPROGRESS | VARCHAR(16777216) |
Target Level | Indicates the target level for a skill. This field is blank if the resource is not a skill, or the skill has no target level. | Y | TARGETLEVEL | NUMBER(38,0) |
Skill Level Average | If the resource is a skill, indicates the average rating for that skill. | Y | SKILLLEVELAVERAGE | FLOAT |
Verified Learning Minutes | The actual learning time, as verified by the content provider, the user spent in the content. | Y | NUMBER | |
Estimated Learning Minutes | The estimated number of minutes needed to complete the content. | Y | NUMBER | |
Custom Attributes 1-50 | If your organization uses custom attributes, the top 50 fields are displayed in individual columns at the end of the report and listed in order from oldest to newest. | N |