Use the Completions (Detailed by User)Report to view data about users' completions, including the completion date, information on verification, completion rating, and completion points earned.
Required Permission: Manage In-App Reporting
This report includes completions added by, and marked complete by users, as well as content automatically added or verified through integrations.
Direct Data Connector table name: Content_Details_CompletionsByUser
Column Name | Column Description | Enabled by Default | Direct Data Connector Field Name | Data Type |
Completed Date |
The date the user marked the item complete, or edited the completion date for the item in their collection. Note: If the completion date field in the reporting database is empty, this column displays the date the completion was added. This is the date range column located on the Filter dialog. The column is included in the report results. |
Date Added | The date the user marked the item complete. | N | DATEADDED | DATE |
Employee ID | The unique user identifier for your Degreed site. This may be an email address or a different piece of employee information, such as an SSO username. | Y | EMPLOYEEID | VARCHAR(16777216) |
User Name | The user's full name. | Y | USERNAME | VARCHAR(16777216) |
User First Name |
The user's first name. | Y | USERFIRSTNAME | VARCHAR(16777216) |
User Last Name | The user's last name. | Y | USERLASTNAME | VARCHAR(16777216) |
User Email | The user’s work email address. | Y | USEREMAIL | VARCHAR(16777216) |
User Status |
Indicates the user's status within Degreed. Values include:
Y |
Manager ID |
The unique ID of the user's manager. |
Y |
Manager Name |
The full name of the user's manager. |
Y |
Content ID | The unique ID for the content item, as set by your organization. | Y | CONTENTID | VARCHAR(16777216) |
Content Title | The title of the completed content item. | Y | CONTENTTITLE | VARCHAR(16777216) |
Content Type | The item’s content type (article, video, etc). | Y | CONTENTTYPE | VARCHAR(16777216) |
Content Provider | The provider hosting the content. | Y | PROVIDER | VARCHAR(16777216) |
Completion is Verified |
Some content completions may be verified by a third party (such as your organization's LMS). Values include:
Y |
Completion User Rating | The rating (like or dislike), if any, given to the content item by the user. | Y | COMPLETIONUSERRATING | VARCHAR(16777216) |
Completion Points | The number of points Degreed awarded for completing this item. | Y | COMPLETIONPOINTS | NUMBER(15,2) |
Content URL | The online location of the item. | Y | CONTENTURL | VARCHAR(16777216) |
Verified Learning Minutes | The actual learning time, as verified by the content provider, the user spent in the content. | Y | NUMBER | |
Estimated Learning Minutes | The estimated number of minutes needed to complete the content. | Y | NUMBER | |
Internal vs External Catalog |
External: A catalog of content curated by Degreed. Internal: A catalog that includes content curated by your organization, and content added to your degreed site by your users. |
N |
InternalvsExternalCatalog | VARCHAR(16777216) |
Completion Tags (Topics) |
The list of Skills associated with this content item. Skills in this field are not related to any skills listed on the user's Profile. |
N |
CompletionTags(Topics) | VARCHAR(16777216) |
Source |
How the user accessed the completed item. Values include:
N |
Source |
VARCHAR(16777216) |
Custom Attributes 1-50 | If your organization uses custom attributes, the top 50 fields are displayed in individual columns at the end of the report and listed in order from oldest to newest. | N |